Clients who trust CompuWorks

Clientes CompuWorks

IT Services for Business

We are a key partner for the success and operability of your business.

Computer Support Services

Computer Support Services

IT Outsourcing

IT Outsourcing Services

IT Securityy Information Services

IT Security Services

Managed Service Provider

Managed Service Provider

Why choose CompuWorks

as your IT partner

At CompuWorks we work to ensure that companies’ IT work in the most up-to-date way possible, with innovation, efficiency and protection.


Current customer


Permanent Support



We Work for IT

Get to know the numbers that set us apart

Get to know the numbers that set us apart

20 years CompuWorks
CompuWorks PME Líder 2023
20 years CompuWorks
CompuWorks PME Líder 2023
Postos de trabalho protegidos


Work stations

Nºº de utilizadores acompanhados


Monitored end users

Equipamentos móveis protegidos


Secured mobile devices

Horas de assistência


Support hours/ Year

Servidores instalados


Installed servers

Ataques informáticos evitados


Prevented Cyberattacks

We Make IT Work

Francisco Barata Salgueiro, Cliente

CompuWorks has been a very important partner for EDGE International Lawyers for several years, providing full support to the IT structure of our society. Very professional and always available.

Francisco Barata Salgueiro
Senior Partner, EDGE International Lawyers

Luís Costa, Cliente

CompuWorks helped us make a giant qualitative leap in our IT infrastructure, thanks to its deep know-how in all areas of IT and the professionalism of the team. Undoubtedly a partnership to keep for many years..

Luis Costa
IT Manager, TraductaNET

An IT Company you can Trust

There are no mysteries for us and our credentials prove it.

We are certified partners of the best IT brands.

Talk to us

We Work, IT Works.

We put your company to work: IT Computer Support and IT Assistance, IT Outsourcing, IT Security, Managed Service Provider.

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