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Unified IT Infrastructure Management and Monitoring

We work for IT.

IT Infrastructure management and remote monitoring so that your business keeps running. Optimize IT systems, mitigate risks and errors and prevent business continuity from being compromised.

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IT Infrastructure Management and monitoring
IT Infrastruture Management

Discover CompuWorks’ IT Infrastructure Management and Monitoring service

Reduce operational risks and ensure the integrity of critical business data.

Cutting edge IT Management solutions

With cloud-based monitoring solutions, you get an integrated view of your organization’s IT infrastructures.

Centralized management of IT infrastructures reduces the impact of IT on your operations.

We deliver forward-thinking solutions, with high performance and security:

  • NOC and SOC services NOC and SOC services.
  • Service Desk 24x7 Service Desk 24×7.
  • Monitor and Protect systems and endpoints IT solutions to manage, monitor and protect servers, networks, devices and endpoints.
  • Task automation Task automation.
  • Apply security patches Apply security patches.
  • Corrective and preventive measures Corrective and preventive measures.
  • Insights and reports Insights and reports.
IT Monitoring
Remote IT infrastructure management

Remote IT infrastructure management by CompuWorks

CompuWorks provides 24×7 monitoring for systems, networks, devices and endpoints to ensure business operations and information security, so that your bussiness can get the job done.

We provide IT infrastructure management services and permanent remote support, ensuring ease and speed in resolving IT problems.
Our service Includes:

  • Equipa multidisciplinar 24x7 Networkde Administration
  • Equipa multidisciplinar 24x7 Multidisciplinary Team available 24×7.
  • Gestão centralizada e escalável Unified and scalable IT Management
  • Software de Monitorização Software remote monitoring with cloud services.
  • Proteção de sistemas, redes e endpoints System, networks and endpoint protection, with permanent remote monitoring.
  • Informação global e segmentada Global and segmented information.
  • Visão de diferentes departamentos e equipas Separate view of different departments and teams.
  • Sistemas de alerta Alert, response and automatic resolution systems for any detected incident.
  • Monitorização e Alarmística Alarm reports
  • Relatórios de Monitorização Informática Periodic service reports.
  • Garantia de SLAs contratados Ensuring contracted SLAs..

CompuWorks IT Infrastructure Management and Monitoring Goals

Automate security operations, increase efficiency and reduce response time.

Identify business assets

Identify business assets

Real-time monitoring of all contracted business assets: know where they are, their status and conditions and their compliance.

Monitor and Detect

Monitor and Detect

Detect everything that is happening across all infrastructures and devices, with real-time alerts, and provide automatic responses to reduce downtime.

Secure Endpoints

Secure Endpoints

Keep all devices secure, with the necessary updates or fixes, and optimize with proactive, centralized measures based on policies defined by device type.

Remote intervention

Remote intervention

Fast and secure access to support all contracted infrastructures, whether networks, systems or devices, with a wide range of tools.

Full insights

Full insights

Report status for activity results for all contracted services and assets.

We monitor, manage and optimize all your company’s technological assets, so that business operations keep working.

We work for IT.

Ensure flawless IT Infrastructures with IT Management and Monitoring

Improve your business competing edge with CompuWorks.

We simplify your IT environment with IT Management solutions in order to give you a global perspective, monitored by IT professionals with the necessary skills.

Benefits of our IT Infrastructure Management service

The main objective of having IT Management solutions is to ensure business operability and continuity. Have all systems and equipment operational at maximum efficiency and safety.

We provide unified services and solutions to monitor performance, visualize availability or possible infrastructure or security failures. The purpose is to optimize all IT processes and avoid service outages, as well as reduce all associated costs.

IT Infrastructure Management service

Improve IT Security

Improve IT Security

View all IT services running in your company, as well as all connections, ensuring there are no intrusions, and that firewall services are operational.

Detect and Prevent security issues

Detect and Prevent security issues

Incident detection with alert triggers for common problems and learning about new situations. In addition, it allows you to detect failures, application or service failures, so you can repair them immediately.

Data Privacy

Data Privacy

Ensure the correct Backup of Data and applications, with availability tests, intrusion tests and service reports.

Unified Remote Monitoring

Unified Remote Monitoring

Consolidate monitoring for events in networks, services, users and systems across the entire organization in a single location, even if spread across multiple locations, providing a unified vision.

Real time alerts

Real time alerts

Have a full vision of all IT services running in your company, as well as all connections, ensuring there are no intrusions, and that firewall services are fully operational.

Automatic threat responses across the network

Automatic threat responses across the network

Unified security platforms for complete protection of all assets, reducing threat response times. Automatic detection and response via AI.

We monnitor and protect customers’ business for more than 20 years!

IT Infrastruture Management Solutions

We work, IT works.

We provide IT monitoring tools managed by our IT technicians, so you can always keep your work functioning properly.

REQUEST A QUOTECALL: +351 213 138 603

A IT Infrastruture Management and Monitoring provides better operational results

Get to know the numbers that set us apart

Get to know the numbers that set us apart

20 years CompuWorks
CompuWorks PME Líder 2024
20 years CompuWorks
CompuWorks PME Líder 2024
Postos de trabalho protegidos


Work stations

Nºº de utilizadores acompanhados


Monitored end users

Equipamentos móveis protegidos


Secured mobile devices

Horas de assistência


Support hours/ Year

Servidores instalados


Installed servers

Ataques informáticos evitados


Prevented Cyberattacks

At CompuWorks, IT Infrastructure Management and Monitoring is an underlying component for your company’s IT Security

With digitalization, IT services and infrastructures have become the fundamental support for your business data. These require software, equipment and IT technicians with different skills to manage all systems safely.

IT environment management is increasingly complex, with much higher risk levels.

Monitoring and protecting data and businesses is at the basis of IT Security.

Therefore, CompuWorks provides system and network monitoring solutions at your service to simplify the management of your technology and save time for your business.

We guarantee 24×7 monitoring solutions, with the support of specialized IT technicians and permanent and remote IT support.

IT Monitoring

Adopt IT Infrastructure Management Services

Gain more visibility across all systems

With our monitoring solutions, you have a complete vision of your company’s technological resources.

Secure and certified partnerships are at the foundation of any business

We are partners with the best technology brands

What sets us appart

Our accumulated experience of more than 20 years of existence in the IT business market provides your company with leading edge, secure and reliable solutions.

20 year Experience Experience

More than 20 years IT experience.

Profissional Team Profissional Team

Customer dedication, multidisciplinary team with constant training.

24×7 Support 24×7 Support

On site or remote support, with centralized management and monitoring.

Partnership you can trust Partnership you can trust

We offer total availability and focus on the customer’s goals. We promote relationships of transparency, continuity and trust.

IT Consulting and Auditing IT Consulting and Auditing

We create a requirements assessment and present capable technological solutions.

Certified Partner Certified Partner

We are an IT partner with recognition from technology brands. We also have partnerships with international, market-leading brands and manufacturers.

Full IT Assistance Full IT Assistance

We provide Managed IT Services by teams of specialized IT technicians, in order to free up your IT teams for operations of greater value to your business.

Everything we do is based on 3 key vectors adapted to your business:

  • IT Security
  • Productivity
  • Reliability

Gain greater security and visibility of all information technologies, with the experience and support of a professional partner.

Cutting edge IT Infrastructures management Solutions

We have flexible IT monitoring and management solutions

Include features and technologies suited to your needs.

IT Infrastruture Management related solutions

Looking for unified IT Infrastructure Management and Monitoring Solutions?

We optimize IT Management and remote monitoring through unified solutions. Schedule a meeting with an expert.

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